Thursday, November 28, 2019

Personal Narrative Example Essay Sample free essay sample

It was a chilly. fall forenoon in 2011. My household and I were merely get downing to pack up our material and carry the bags to the new wave. Since we were traveling to Hawaii. on history of my stepdad being in the ground forces. we had to travel rapidly so that we’d make our 10 am flight on clip. As I walked back into the hotel room I made certain to catch my bag and notebook to set in the new wave. while my ma got herself and my siblings ready to travel. Very easy I opened the door to go forth the room and trudged down the hallway. towards the issue door off the edifice. while my brown ponytail bouncinesss with every measure. Once outside I began to set my properties in the vehicle when something traveling in the murky. swamp H2O caught my attending and pulled at my wonder until I stood in forepart of the fencing. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Narrative Example Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When I leaned my face on the cold metal of the barbed wire fencing I saw four eyes looking at me. Those eyes belonged to two alligators that were get downing to swim towards me. This had me so petrified that I ran like a human detesting cat to the new wave. Immediately I jumped into the driver place. slammed the door. and locked up the auto until my parents and siblings walked out of the hotel. Quickly. I coolly unlocked the door and waited for our going towards the airdrome. which felt like forever. â€Å"We’re here! † shouts my female parent as we pull up to the forepart of the air hoses. It was really a small exciting. but when we went through all of the security cheques I began to acquire really nervous and disquieted. I will acknowledge that it was really nerve fazing with all of those cheques because cipher would desire to happen out that a individual nearby has bombs and arms on manus. This though is worried me profoundly until we came across the bird train. Once on the train my female parent and four siblings sat on a place while my pa and I stood up and held on to a metal saloon. The saloon was connected from the floor to the ceiling to forestall falling. Sadly. I repeatedly lost my balance and tumbled down on my twelve-year-old sister. Melena. and swatted her in the face with my hair. She was really thankful when the train had stopped and I couldn’t say that I blamed her. Anyways. shortly after we got off the train we all headed to the nutrient tribunal draging behind one another. When we got there we went directly to McDonalds. ordered our nutrient. and ate for approximately 15 proceedingss. Then after we finished we went upstairs to travel delay for the plane in the waiting Lodge. I remember looking at such cunning small pictures lined up on the walls. one after the other. outside of the public toilets. They had painted by simple childs from different schools on the mainland. Soon after the bathroom interruption we walked down the hall to the waiting Lodge. I ended up falling asleep in the maroon colored chair.â€Å"Come on. Sierra. † . Melena said as she shook me and pulled out my earphones. Since I hated when she pulled out my earphones I was approximately to talk her. which was until she told me the plane had arrived and that we had to acquire up. As I put the iPod in my pocket and replaced it with my ticket I all of a sudden became more frightened to go forth the province of Georgia than a Canis familiaris is of electrical storms. Mutely. I gave the adult females outside the entryway my ticket and felt my spinal column making dance moves under my tegument. The feeling was really confounding. about like a mix of sad. scared nervous. excited. and hesitating. As I climbed on board of the plane my fortune and exhilaration flew out the window existent quick. For starting motors alternatively of sitting with my household I was stuck being seated following to random cat who appeared to be in his early twenty’s. This cat was genuinely unusual and annoyed me before the plane even took off by gazing at me. giving off fun facts about travel. and saw wooding truly loud following to my face. It was at those minutes when I thought to myself â€Å"This is traveling to be a long flight! † Then without vacillation the plane took away and we were airborne. Once we were in the air my ears began to do a ‘Ringing’ sound so I grabbed a piece of gum from my pa and allow the minty spirit devour my oral cavity while it drowned out the pealing with its loud ‘Pop’ sounds. All was good until I realized how high up we were a nd so my panic onslaught began. For about the first 25 proceedingss of the flight I was hyperventilating. but so I calmed down. When I was eventually chilled I put on the film Rio and listened to a vocal by JustinBieber on the iPod. In all honesty the fright I had all of a sudden seemed to melt off into the ‘Whoosh’ sound of the plane picking up velocity in the windy conditions. I guess it can be said that I adapted to the flight at a slow. but nice rate ( though it was largely because the annoying cat next to me eventually managed to kip in silence for a few hours ) . Although. I had a panic onslaught like a brainsick psycopath the plane trip didn’t seem so bad and in fact I ended up basking myself. Even though the flight took around 16 hours I managed to remain occupied. I did so by watching films. choping into the planes Wi-Fi. playing on the iPod. and playing games I downloaded to my laptop. My biggest enjoyment of the flight was the alleviation I felt when I realized that the plane was traveling to drop out of the sky like the Titanic in the ocean. After the full 16 hours on the plane ended we eventually arrived at the Hawaiian airdrome. Immediately I leaped out of my place and hurried to acquire my material and acquire off. Amusing thing about planes. though. is how the riders must be seated the full clip so when I hastily got up my legs felt asleep and I kept faltering like a rummy down the aisle. It was rather humourous. As petrified. as I was the feeling in my tummy had settled I was left want that the trip wasn’t over. Now. one time I had my material tightly gripped in my manus and managed to stabilise my walking I walked towards the issue. As I was go outing I took my clip mounting down the stairss and took one last expression at my yesteryear and so into my hereafter. Not merely to travel to the Ohana Airport Hotel with my household until we moved into military lodging. but to my personal hereafter and what would go of it. That. my friend. is how my first trip to Hawaii went and I discovered true panic and a sense of pleasant security.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom Linear and Mathematical Programming Use in the Petroleum Refineries essay

buy custom Linear and Mathematical Programming Use in the Petroleum Refineries essay Mathematical programming was used in the petroleum industry for the first time 40 years ago to manage various tasks and processes; moreover, it was actively used in management of such tasks in the 1990s. However, before the invention of computers its use was limited and it could only be used when there was the need to solve a few problems that involved hand applications (Prn, Harjunkoski Westerlund, 1999). The major events that culminated in the use of mathematical programming include the introduction of the simplex algorithm by Dantzig in the 20th century and the invention of electronic computers. As a result of introduction of the simplex algorithm in 1947, an area of programming called linear programming was created and it was used in a number of mathematical applications such as operations research. In 1949, other applications were developed and started to be used in management of tasks related to the petroleum industry. Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Gasoline Blending and Distribution scheduling During mixed integer programming, it is assumed that perfect mixing can be achieved at the blend header and that the changeover time between various products can be neglected. The scheduling model involves the use of a number of constraints such as material balance constraint (Prn, Harjunkoski Westerlund, 1999). This constraint states that the amount of product s in tank j at the previous event should not be higher than the amount of products stored in tank j. The following formula is used to obtain material balance:Pst(s,j,+1) = Pst(s,j,n) + Blnd(s,j,n) -lift(I,j,n) Another constraint used is the allocation constraint which states that when the amount of product j is not zero at point n, that is lift (I,j,n) =0 otherwise (Quesada Grossmann, 1995). To ensure task splitting is not experienced, the constraint above is processed only once when the case of a small order is involved. In some cases, it can be processed three times. Another constraint used is the demand constraint which is used to determine the amount of processed materials that can be contained in a particular tank at a particular time when the products are lifted from stock tanks (Ramage, 1998). In order to understand this constraint, the formula used is:uv(I,j,n)=Prod-ord(I,s) In addition, the sequence constraint is used. This constraint enables understanding of the sequences in which orders should be processed and the time at which processing should start and end. Viscosity in the tanks can be understood by applying the viscosity constraint which can be represented by the following formula:VISCt= (MIUV XQC) It should be understood that this equation is non-linear and thus hard to solve. However, when suitable mathematical treatments are provided to the equation, it is possible to derive an exact linear program model. Application of Mathematical Programming Language during Supply of Oil, Blending, Product Distribution and Refinery Planning An example of mathematical programming language that can be used to describe the process of supply, blending and distribution of oil is the matrix method (Rigby, Lasdon Waren, 1995). This is where matrices that represent supply and those that represent constraints are used so that an optimized problem solution can be obtained. For instance, in the equation below, B1, B2 and B3 represent supply, blending and distribution constraints in the order in which they appear while A1, A2 and A3 represent the associated constraints of supply, blending and distribution in the order in which they are listed. As a result of the use of this mathematical program, it is possible to understand the dimensions of the resulting optimizations. Z*= min c1X1 + C2X2 + c3X3So that B1X1 b1B2X2b2A1x1 + A2x2 + A3x3 0X1. x2 . x3 0 The above equation can be used during Liquid Petroleum gas (LPG) processing in a refinery when the raw material is fed into the heating tower so that the capacity of the heating tower can be understood and also during operation of the column such as during separation of the raw material into sub-components of petroleum such as butane and other byproducts of petroleum refinery. Improving Oil Refinery Productivity Through Enhanced Crude Blending Using LP Model In order to improve refinery productivity, it is important to ensure that optimum requirements during blending stage are established and the right mathematical and programming techniques are used to understand these requirements. For instance, programming languages such as Matlab can contribute towards understanding of the required resources so that there is no resource wastage (Shah, 1996). In addition, understanding of constraints such as the amount of a product to be stored in a tank can facilitate establishment of the right tank sizes to be used. It is recommended that linear programming tools are used in both long-term planning and daily scheduling of petroleum refining operations. However, there has been lack of consistency between the LP models and actual operations (Steinschorn Hofferl, 1997). This is due to the effects of market forces and constraints in the internal environment. However, if linear programming tools are used it is possible to identify and quantify these variations. The use of LP tool ensures that optimum objectives are achieved in the refinery scheme and costs of production are reduced. However, other planning techniques can contribute to the efficiency of oil refining activities such as planning and scheduling, receiving of products and finished products, designing processes aimed at controlling bottlenecks, coming up with optimum methods of operation that result into generation of optimum profits and coming up with a method of production that results into minimal operating costs. Buy custom Linear and Mathematical Programming Use in the Petroleum Refineries essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Psychology of Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychology of Diversity - Essay Example Illinois law severely restricted African-Americans rights and liberties. This law demanded that all African-Americans settling in the state to produce a certificate of freedom. Blacks found without certificates were to be advertised in newspapers and hired out for a year. Free blacks could not testify against whites in court. Amidst of all such human right violations, some of the blacks found ways to make their marks in Illinois by acquiring land. The life of black women was doubly burdened by their race and their sex. Free blacks, who purchased their freedom from their masters, began to found new organizations and they joined hands with white abolitionists in the fight against slavery. But even those white abolitionists discriminated them from such activities. The blacks were tortured not only physically but mentally as well by publishing cruel cartoons describing the physical features of the blacks. Despite these considerable handicaps, African-Americans became the most significant Americans by the 1850s. The white American political system, that had so effectively marginalized them found itself quite unable to resolve the question of blacks political, social, and economic standing. The result was Civil War. The actions of President James Buchanan and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Roger Taney to establish white supremacy and were brought immense protests from the blacks, and brought leaders like Abraham Lincoln into action. Lincoln, despite his reservations about the workings of immediate black social equality and other concessions to American societys prevailing racial prejudice, boldly argued that blacks, as much as whites, deserved the Declaration of Independences fundamental freedoms of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness†, which led to the Civil War and catapulted Abraham Lincoln from relative obscurity to the Presidents chair in 1861. (Drew E. VandeCre ek, Ph.D) In this article the author has concentrated more on the slavery existed

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Apportionment Problem Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Apportionment Problem - Essay Example This is so that they could have more than one representative, as Five would technically have .07! Changes in population would cause this apportionment to be revisited occasionally and again, the US method of a census every decade determining representation would be the best bet. The biggest problem with this is the method is absolutely unfair in that four states (3, 4, 6 and 8) will control 65% of the votes. However the method seems to work quite well in the US where states like California and New York likewise have a large representation. Yet the country’s multiple party method seems to work quite well, for Congressional votes are generally along party lines and seldom do all members from one particular state band together (Theriault). Of course appeasing State Five by adding seats so that it could have equality in Congress could very well result in what is known as an Alabama Paradox. This occurred for that state in 1880, whereby adding seats to Congress so that Alabama could gain actually caused it to actually lose a seat, due to the mathematical statistics (Janson). Another methodology would be the Huntington-Hill, a more complex formula that utilizes square roots but which is also more equitable (See Table 2) (US Census). Based upon the calculations I have listed, apportionment is the best answer for fair and equal representation of each state. No matter how else it is drawn smaller states such as Five will always face having less representation (Much as Montana and Wyoming only also have one vote whereas minute Rhode Island has 2). The only other way would be to divide the 100 seats by the number of states (10 each), just like the US Senate has a standard of two per state, no matter the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

WGS 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

WGS 2 - Assignment Example It is quite pivotal to understand that American political movements were key catalyst to channel social reform as well1. In the modern day, women are independent and have the liberty to work in corporate American. Additionally, the website discusses the intricacies of social issues that plague women. Equal pay is one of the major focal points that was heavily discussed. One of the key things that worries me is domestic violence is another issue that is depicted as a challenge for women who are seeking to have a better life. The website discusses many challenges that women face of domestic violence in their respective home, which does draw a paradigm. The idea of gender disparity in school, government and overall progression of women is clearly hindered in these cultures. . Cultures adhere to gender roles because they assign responsibilities to each gender based on family needs. For example, women in eastern cultures have to follow the cult of domesticity. I think this is a major issue as assimilation of women migration is an interesting point to

Friday, November 15, 2019

Learning Relationships And Communication

Learning Relationships And Communication In this essay I will explain and discuss how motivation is one of the most important factors that influence learning, relationships and communication in the classroom. The responsibility for creating a positive learning atmosphere lies almost entirely with the teacher and motivated students make this process a lot easier. Motivation also plays a critical role in developing relationships in the classroom, both teacher and student motivation. I will also discuss in greater detail later of the importance of involving the parent or carer in building these relationships and how this enhances these relationships. The ability of the teacher to communicate both verbally and non-verbally with their students is hugely important and is the cornerstone on which effective learning is built. Motivation again is a hugely significant factor in this communication process, as a motivated teacher communicates well with their students and a motivated teacher leads to the development of motivated student s. A positive learning environment is one of the most basic requirements in order for meaningful learning to occur in a classroom (Kyriacou, 2009). A positive learning atmosphere is one where the students are comfortable, hold confidence in their teacher, and feel a sense of trust and respect for one another. In order to enhance learning lessons must be organised and the teacher must plan for the use teaching methods that encourage students to become actively involved in learning. This can be done by also varying the curriculum and finding out what our students interests are, giving them motivation to learn. Teachers need to challenge themselves to use different teaching methods to stimulate pleasure in learning and consequently tackle boredom. The introduction of new educational approaches such as projects and investigative work will allow time for pupils to report back on what they learnt and support this process. A study by Kaplan et al. (2002) found that the level of disruptive beha viour by pupils tended to be higher in those classrooms where the pupils felt that the demonstration of ability and doing better than others was the dominant value compared with classrooms where the pupils felt that the dominant values were learning, understanding and improving ones own performance. Kyriacou (2007) suggests the teacher needs to be relaxed, warm, caring, enthusiastic, patient, and supportive and possess a sense of humor. To create this atmosphere, the teacher must engage the students as soon as the class commences. The classroom climate established by the teacher can have a major impact on pupils motivation levels and attitudes towards learning. Remind students at the start of every lesson that the type of attitude they bring into the classroom will have a huge influence on the learning that takes place during that class (Cullinford, 2003). Motivation plays a huge role in creating this positive learning atmosphere. According to Erickson (1978) the majority of students respond positively to a well-organized course taught by a motivated and motivating teacher that has a caring genuine interest in what they learn. Erickson (1978) further suggests whatever level of motivation your students bring to the classroom will influence the level of learning. As teachers we need to ask ourselves the question are our students motivated to learn, or are they just encaged in learning and what have we done as teachers to contribute to this? Cluck and Hess (2003) explains that in order to help and motivate learners we need to help them develop their own learning strategies. We can do this by teaching them to how to use their own learning styles, implementing cooperative learning, encourage pupil to choose how they learn, and use techniques informed by multiple intelligences. When this is done pupils showed increased motivation in class wo rk, improved assignment completion, class participation, and engagement in learning. Thus, Cluck and Hess (2003) feel these teaching strategies are positive in improving the students attitudes towards learning. They also suggest that the use of extrinsic rewards such as goals, grades, assessment and tangible rewards would be less productive in developing motivation. Building relationships has lifelong lasting effects for the students and will motivate them to become involved in their learning. If we can build good relationships with our students it will also help them to build good relationships outside of school and when they leave school. There are a number of things that are very important when we are trying to build relationships with our pupils, such as calling the pupils by their first name, try and find out what common interest you hold and make it your business before each class to have a friendly conversation on the topic. According to Regan Morrissey (2012) how the educator creates a positive learning atmosphere is of critical importance in building relationships and encouraging students. Something that contributes to this is the teachers manner, their verbal and nonverbal communication and how they move around the classroom. Creating a positive classroom climate shows how much effort you as a teacher feel is worthwhile putting into th e lesson. A teacher needs to feel relaxed and confident in their own ability to generate a genuine interest in the lesson. Parents are crucial to building relationships with students and once these relationships are formed we need to be able to maintain them and use them to our advantage. We should use parent/teacher meetings to gain knowledge of our students parent and as PE teachers, the parents interests especially in the sporting world. This can provide a foundation we can use to entice these parents to become involved in extracurricular activities. Kyricau (2007) explains the importance of the role of parents and carers and the need for teachers to be able to communicate effectively with parents and carers and to recognise and respect the role that parents and carers can make to the development of pupils well-being and to raising pupils levels of attainment. Maintaining relationships with the parents also has a massive knock on effect to their siblings as it establishes a relat ionship for those who may be entering the school in future (Duck and Pittman, 1994). Communication according to Tubbs et al (2011)) is broadly defined as the sharing of experience with as much as 75% of our entire conscious day being spent engaged in communication. The communication model developed by ibid (2011) suggests communication is a sensitive area and messages between two people can easily be misunderstood as channels and elements of interference can send mixed messages. As communication is such an important part of learning an essential ingredient to becoming a successful and competent teacher is to be an effective communicator. Communication is closely associated with self-identity and Hattie Timperley (2007) believe it is one of the most powerful influences on learning and achievement. Teachers must be aware of their verbal and non-verbal methods of communication with students in order to create an open, productive and honest learning environment. Marzano (2007) believes that communication is the single most critically important issue a teacher has to con sider. A PE teacher needs to be aware of how to communicate both verbally and non-verbally in a high quality manner to maximize the learning of the students. Teachers need to learn how to use such things as eye contact, facial expressions, hand gestures and body language as tools for communication in the classroom. The use of eye contact and facial expressions reduces the amount of verbal communication the teacher has to use in a class and is very useful in such a loud environment as the PE class. The use hand signals can be adopted to relay positive encouragement to students who are doing something well. An example of this is thumbs up or a clap to acknowledge something that a student has done well. To communicate with students we need to be sensitive to their need and listen critically to what they have to say, not thinking of answers until the student has finished the question. A teacher must be able to communicate to their students in order to help them to become independent learners de velop their ability to grow and develop responsibly. Im a firm believer that communicating encouragement, verbally and non-verbally to the students is the best form of motivation. I am conscious on my Monday placements of creating a positive classroom climate by communicating in this manner. I constantly scan the gym, forever interacting, motivating the students, constantly praising and encouraging but with total honest and respect. Respect towards the students is everything and it is almost guaranteed that any student teacher who respects their students will see the students develop a healthy level of respect towards the teacher. Wragg and Wood (1984) suggest that studies have proved how important positive communication is in the first few lessons with a new class. It is crucial to establishing a positive learning environment which has already been discussed as a key factor in developing student motivation. Listening according to Tubbs et al (2011) is a complex process involving hearing, attention, understanding, and remembering. Gamble and Gamble (1994) further suggest that becoming a competent teacher means we must teach our students to listen stating that Listening is more than a philosophy, its vital for our future. To become an effective teacher we must develop and display strong listening skills to portray to our pupils the importance we place on the process. Listening can be something we take for granted, however listening is an intricate skill and requires training. We in the teaching profession must encourage and provide opportunities for students to practice listening activities and spend more time on this ever important communication skill. A motivated teacher enhances the listening skills of their students and allows students the time and opportunity to develop these listening skills. The question needs to be addressed why we often hear of poor listening as a problem. The pr imary reasons are a lack of motivation and the appropriate listening skills (Tubbs et al 2011), who state that of the four communication skills reading writing, speaking, and listening, listening has received the least attention from educators. To become a component, caring teacher I must acquire excellent listening skills. From the readings and from my life experiences I am able to relate to my own personal listening skills especially on the Monday placements. I must pay attention to what the students are saying and not to focus on having an answer before listening to the rest of the question. I must stop answering the questions if the students dont know the answer, and take time to listen display some aerobic listening and think of CARE, (Concentrate Acknowledge, Respect and Empathize). We as teachers must keep asking questions to our students, and when they speak out, give them the respect to provide your 100% attention. In order to enhance our listening skills we as student teachers are in favorable position on our Monday placement to practice focusing on the message sender and refraining from giving an opinion too quickly. I must respect that listening is a complex process and has to be trained and practiced similar to any skill. I need be patient with the learning process to enable me to pass on the skill of the ability to listen to my students. Aristotle once said that we have two ears and but one tongue so that we may listen more than we speak. This is something that I will always try to remember in my role as a teacher.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Cyrano De Bergerac is Aristotles High Minded Man Essay -- essays rese

Le Haut Homme Occupà © D'Aristote In Cyrano De Bergerac, written originally by Edmond Rostand in French and translated to English by Brian Hooker, Cyrano de Bergerac stars in an epic of his fictional life as a high minded man. Aristotle, a great philosopher, states that a high minded man must have a mind that is concerned with all great things. Now, what are these "great things"? There are plenty of great things that a high minded man must value. I have chosen to explore three of them to show that Cyrano is an example of Aristotle?s high minded man. The first great thing is honor, Cyrano is a very honorable person. The second one is helping people but not asking for anything in return, Cyrano likes to help those in need, even when he does not receive any credit. The third one is bravery, courage, and never asking for help, Cyrano, even at the edge of existence, does not ask for any assistance from others to stay alive. Therefore, Cyrano is a great example of Aristotle's high minded man. Defined in the ?Webster?s II? dictionary, the word ?honor? means respect and reputation. Conseque...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Marine Pollution

Ocean Dumping The practice of ocean dumping should be banned. Marine pollution is at the heart of interest in today†s search for a clean environment. Not only does ocean dumping add to the unsightliness of the once beautiful and pristine waters; it also kills the marine life which inhabits those waters. Pollution on a grand-scale is wreaking havoc on the Earth. The ocean is not an exception. In 1996, a bill, which would ban the dumping of dredge spoils in the Long Island Sound, was submitted in congress by Michael Forbes (Freedman). At that time, Congressman Forbes predicted that all dumping in the United States would end in the foreseeable future. He sees ocean dumping ending in the 21st century (Freeman). Unfortunately, ocean dumping is the least expensive way to dispose of dredged materials and other pollutants (Freeman). Although an uphill battle, ocean dumping should be outlawed altogether. In New York City, proposed building of treatment plants was conceptualized (Murphy). This allowed an alternative to ocean dumping; since ocean court decisions and legislation (Murphy) had banned dumping. The sludge may be transported to other states for use as fertilizer (Murphy). Treatment plants are less of an eyesore than pollutants in the ocean. Unfortunately, no one wants a treatment facility in â€Å"his back yard†. Many miles of beaches have been closed over the years, due to ocean dumping. For communities where beaches are tourist attractions, this causes devastating economic consequences. At one point, medical debris washed ashore (Bauman). Congress passed a law at that time that banned the dumping of sewage into the ocean (Bauman). In 1987, an international agreement was signed and a national law was enacted to prevent ocean dumping (Miller). As late as 1995, ocean dumping continued to remain a serious threat (Miller). Tons of trash continued to pollute the nation†s beaches. The trash not only threatens marine life; it also threatens the lives of humans (Miller). There was no national plan for managing vessel waste. Enforcement powers for ocean dumping is spread among several agencies. This severely hampered the situation. The Marie Conservation Volunteers scoured more than 95,000 miles of United States coastlines on September 16, 1995 (Miller). More than 140,000 volunteers were involved in this campaign (Miller). In 1994, over 2. 8 million pounds of trash were picked up off of lakes, estuaries, and ocean beaches (Miller). This shows that the problem of ocean dumping is not a small one. This is a huge environmental problem. The Environmental Protection Agency should require ocean waste-management plans, in addition to those that have been created for land (Miller). Plastic particles, particularly six-pack rings, are damaging to marine animals. When ingested, plastic is harmful to marine animals. Discarded fishing gear leads to a high mortality rate among birds, fish, turtles, whales, and dolphins (Miller). Unfortunately, humans are also at risk from this form of pollution, due to the fact that trash, which surfaces on the beach, can easily be stepped on. This garbage could (and does) contain such contaminates as syringes (Miller). In 1996, a dispute halted the dredging of shipping channels in New York and New Jersey. This allowed silt to pass into the channels and made them too small for large ships. One hundred eighty thousand jobs were threatened, as well as $20 billion in freight business (Bauman). The collapse of ocean fisheries is a major environmental problem. Environmental issues such as ocean dumping are a public concern. Ocean dumping is not only an issue of concern for America. The entire world must take a stand. International cooperation is vital for the preservation of marine life. Environmental concerns are evidenced to shape international treaties. The Montreal Protocol; the UN Summit on the Environment; agreements to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) attest to this fact (Burnett). There is a commonality in most global problems. This commonality occurs when resources are owned by many, or when no one owns the resources. Unfortunately, self-interested behavior can lead to environmental degradation when resources, such as the ocean, are the property of several or none. No one is the protector; therefore, all should be the protectors (Burnett). Flushing untreated waste in the streams, rivers, and ultimately, the ocean, is disruptive to nature†s balance. Nitrogen and phosphorus support algae blooms and thus a depletion of oxygen (Benchley). Many parts of bays are practically dead zone already. Marine life cannot survive this! Toxic chemicals also contaminate the fish, making them inedible (Benchley). Commercial fishing is a worldwide industry. It is in decline due to ocean dumping. This growing problem affects all nations. Almost 70 percent of the world†s marine fish stocks are either fully fished, over fished, depleted, or recovering modestly. This is no small problem. Technology is increasing the number and range of the world†s fishing fleet (Burnett). Ocean dumping kills off the fish that are left. Across the nation, coastal cities have routinely disposed of sewage and trash by dumping it into the ocean. This has been happening for many years. After a while, the oceans begin to show the affect of this. It is frightening to think what dangers have yet been uncovered. Criminal charges should be enforced when anyone dumps waste into the ocean. This would help deter this activity. Illegal pollution is a crime. More people need to realize this. More laws must be made and enforced. Has anyone considered how fragile marine and coastal environments are? Has anyone considered the amount of waste that can be dumped into the ocean without causing damage. The ocean can not indefinitely take dumping of waste without serious consequences. Oil spills are another threat to oceans. Much of the oil used in the United States is exported. Tankers do this. The increase in tanker traffic causes concern over oil spills. Birds are even affected when there is an oil spill. Marine animals die from the sludge or are trapped on land. The ocean is the place for swimmers, scuba divers, sailors and those scientists who enjoy its study. The ocean is blue. It is emerald green. It is almost black. Its beauty is unsurpassed. Smelling the clean salt air and feeling the ocean breeze is one of the best experiences anyone can have. The ocean is home to the dolphin, tuna, porpoise, shark, whale, and octopus. Reefs of coral are found in many areas, Hawaii being one. Stories have been written about the ocean. Many have lost their lives at sea. The ocean is deserving of much respect. It needs protection, not pollution. Sight must not be lost of the global environmental concerns. An ocean, which has been used as a dump, is a tragedy. Sight must not be lost of the global environmental concerns, which affect the ocean, its life, and its beauty.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Biomedical waste management Essays

Biomedical waste management Essays Biomedical waste management Essay Biomedical waste management Essay CHAPTER-V Discussion This survey was conducted to measure the cognition and pattern sing biomedical waste direction among staff nurses working in JIPMER infirmary, Puducherry the sum of 300 staff nurses were participated and the cognition and pattern assessed by utilizing structured questionnaire. The survey consequence shows that the mean cognition mark among the survey participants was 20.5 out of 25. 70.7 % of staff nurses had first-class cognition, and 29 % had mean to good cognition in biomedical waste direction. Knowledge approximately Biomedical waste and its direction The survey consequences show about 99 % of staff nurses had known approximately Biomedical waste and 88.3 % of them know about the aims of Biomedical waste direction in infirmary. A survey carried out by the wellness attention supplier in third attention infirmary in Rajkot showed similar consequences about 95 % of survey topics were cognizant of biomedical waste direction. Knowledge of bio jeopardy symbol Bio jeopardy symbol is critical in biomedical waste direction. These survey consequences show that 92.3 % of staff nurse right identified the bio jeopardy symbol. Chudasama et Al ( 2013 ) , Vishal et Al ( 2013 ) , Mathew et Al ( 2011 ) , showed that 82 % to 87 % of their survey participants severally were identified the bio jeopardy symbol right. The consequence of this survey is somewhat higher than these surveies. This survey includes merely staff nurse, these surveies done on all type of wellness attention supplier including sanitation and housekeeping workers, may be due to this fluctuation occurred. Knowledge of hazard of infection transmittal: The hazard of infection transmittal from a biomedical waste is high when it was non handled decently. Around 90 % of survey, topics had knowledge on the hazard of disease transmittal to hepatitis B, C, HIV etc. , from biomedical waste. A KAP survey on staff nurses of the private infirmary of Udupi metropolis showed that 77.5 % had cognition of the hazard of disease transmittal which is relatively less than this survey consequences. Similarly, other surveies knowledge on the hazard of disease transmittal varies from 84- 92 % . Knowledge of composing of biomedical waste: The survey consequence shows around 52 % of survey capable had cognition on the right composing of the biomedical waste. Merely 15 % of waste was generated in the infirmary were infective, if nurses understand this construct so segregation of the waste is critical event in biomedical waste direction. Knowledge of topographic point of segregation of biomedical waste Segregation of waste is a important minute in whole biomedical waste direction. The major part of biomedical waste direction is segregation of waste at the topographic point of beginning. In this survey, merely 66 % of survey topics were cognizant that topographic point of segregation is place beginning of the waste. Knowledge on this point is relatively less than other spheres. Knowledge of colour cryptography of biomedical waste direction Color coded bin and screens are of import tools in biomedical waste direction. Knowledge of these colour codification aid in segregation and intervention of the biomedical waste decently. There are four types of colourss coded bins and screens in BMW. These are ruddy, bluish, xanthous, and black colourss. A Red colour bin for blood contamination. About 95 % of survey participants had cognition of this colour coding system used in biomedical waste direction. The similar consequence are seen in Vanesh Mathur et Al. ( 2011 ) , Savan Sara Mathew et Al. ( 2011 ) , approximately 93 % of these survey participants had cognition of colour cryptography. But the consequence of Chudasama et Al. ( 2013 ) show merely 85 % of survey participants had cognition of colour coding which relatively less than this survey. Knowledge of methods of biomedical waste direction and disposal The consequence of our survey showed that 75 % of survey topics were cognizant of the methods of BMW and its disposal. A similar consequence was seen in a survey conducted in third attention infirmary Bhopal Vishal et Al. ( 2013 ) around 75 % of the staff nurses had knowledge on methods of disposal. Another cross sectional survey done in third attention learning infirmary in Ludhiana showed that cognition of the method of biomedical waste disposal was 100 % among staff nurses and on comparison staff nurse had more cognition in this sphere than other wellness attention suppliers. Knowledge of disease spread by biomedical waste The survey consequence showed that around 90 % of this survey participants were cognizant that the disease can distribute from improperly managed biomedical waste. Chudasma et Al. and Mathew et Al. showed that similar consequence, 89 % and 92 % of the survey participants aware about the disease can be transmited through biomedical waste. Asadullah et Al. ( 2012 to 2013 ) carried out a survey among the staff nurses in Udupi, Karnataka ; India showed that 77 % survey participants had equal, unequal cognition on the disease transmittal. Knowledge of needle stick hurt and station exposure prophylaxis The survey consequence showed that cognition of needle stick hurt and station exposure prophylaxis was about 77.6 % among the survey topic. Our survey consequence showed that Out of 300 participants, 266 ( 88.6 % ) had immunized for hepatitis B. A KAP survey done in third infirmary in New Delhi ( Sharma et al. 2011 ) among wellness attention personal showed that 50.2 % of survey participants had cognition of disease transmittal by needle stick hurts. 91.1 % of survey topics are vaccinated for HBV. Sarika P Patil et Al. ( 2011 ) , the cross-sectional survey survey was conducted in Tertiary Care Government Hospital in Dhule ( Maharashtra ) , India. The consequence showed 81.7 % ( 125 ) were immunized for hepatitis B. and lockjaw severally. and among the 34 non immunized for hepatitis B.The bulk of the participants staff nurses were immunized. Overall cognition: Overall mean mark of cognition on biomedical waste direction was 20 ( Markss ) . Sub group analysis showed that there is no a important mean mark difference of cognition on biomedical waste direction among gender, educational position, experience and BMW preparation position. Asadullah et Al. ( 2012 to 2013 ) carried out a survey among the staff nurse in Udupi, Karnataka, India showed that important association between instruction position and mean cognition, score the difference seen between Diploma Holder and ANM. The minimal instruction degree for staff nurse is diploma hence in this have ANM, due to this we didn’t happen this difference. The mean mark is classified as Poor Knowledge ( A ; lt ; 40 % in the entire cognition mark ) , Average to good cognition ( 40-79 in the entire cognition mark ) , and first-class cognition ( A ; gt ; 80 in the entire Knowledge mark ) . The survey consequence showed that 70.7 % of the staff nurses had first-class, and 29 % had good cognition on biomedical waste direction. When comparing the norm to good cognition and first-class cognition classs between gender instruction position, experience and BMW preparation position showed that important association ( 5 % ) between the cognition and gender. Biomedical waste direction pattern The direct observation of BMW pattern in 50 wards showed that equal figure. Of bio medical waste bins as per bio medical waste direction usher lines ( xanthous, bluish and black ) in all wards ( 100 % ) . All wards have hub cutter for acerate leafs and panpipes which all in working status and all of them utilizing personal protective steps like a mask, baseball mitts, etc. The BMW records were non maintained in any of the wards. The pattern of managing the disposal of fictile waste, soiled dressings/plaster casts/linen waste, sharps and acerate leafs waste and human anatomical waste were about 100 % . Chudasama et Al. ( 2013 ) showed that 87 % reported holding hub cutter in wards. Around 84 % of participants are utilizing personal protective steps like a mask, baseball mitts, etc. while managing BMW. Study consequence showed that 74.5 % of participants reported that there is the good care of BMW records in wards and 87 % reported holding hub cutter in wards. The pattern of managing d isposal fictile waste, soiled dressings/plaster casts/linen waste, sharps and acerate leafs waste and human anatomical waste are 80 % , 66.8 % , 63 % and 63.1 % severally. This fluctuation occurred because in this survey research worker observed straight the wards, non the person survey participants. The Chudasama et Al. ( 2013 ) carried out it separately. The blood spill kit and station exposure prophylaxis kit were available in 20 % of wards entirely. Overall the cognition of the biomedical waste direction among staff nurses in the third attention learning infirmary was good. The biomedical waste direction pattern was satisfactory except the BWM records were non maintained decently. 1

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tender is the Night Quotes

'Tender is the Night' Quotes Tender is the Night is a famous novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The work details the life and deterioration of Dr. Dick Diver, who falls in love with a mental patient. This novel was considered a failure at the time of its publication, but it is one of Fitzgeralds most important works. Here are a few quotes.​ Tender is the Night a bald man in a monocle and a pair of tights, his tufted chest thrown out, his brash navel sucked in, was regarding her attentively.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 1 so that while Rosemary was a simple child she was protected by a double sheath of her mothers armor and her own - she had a mature distrust of the trivial, the facile and the vulgar.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 3 Youre the only girl Ive seen for a very long time that actually did look like something blooming.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 4 so green and cool that the leaves and petals were curled with tender damp.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Chapter 6 he opened the gate to his amusing world. So long as they subscribed to it completely, their happiness was his preoccupation, bit at the fist flicker of doubt as to its all-inclusiveness he evaporated before their eyes, leaving little communicable memory of what he had said or done.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 6 the moment when the guests had been daringly lifted above conviviality into the rarer atmosphere of sentiment, was over before it could be irreverently breathed before they had half realized it was there.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 7 the too obvious appeal, the struggle with an unrehearsed scene and unfamiliar words.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 8 of course its done at a certain sacrifice - sometimes they seem just rather charming figures in a ballet, and worth the attention you five a ballet, but its more than that - youd have to know the story. Anyhow Tommy is one of those men that Dicks passed along to Nicole. Book 1,- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Ch. 10 She illustrated very simple principles, containing in herself her own doom, but illustrated them so accurately that there was grace in the procedure, and presently Rosemary would try to imitate it.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 12 Indeed, he had made a quick study of the whole affair, simplifying it always until it bore a faint resemblance to one of his own parties.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 13 He knew that there was passion there, but there was no shadow of it in her eyes or on her mouth; there was a faint spray of champagne on her breath. She clung nearer desperately and once more he kissed her and was chilled by the innocence of her kiss, by the glance that at the moment of contact looked beyond him out into the darkness of the night, the darkness of the world.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 15 The enthusiasm, the selflessness behind the whole performance ravished her, the technic of moving many varied types, each as immobile, as dependent on supplies of attention as an infantry battalion as dependent on rations, appeared so effortless that he still had pieces of his own most personal self for everyone.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 18 the shots had entered into all their lives: echoes of violence followed them out onto the pavement where two porters held a post-mortem beside them as they waited for a taxi.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 19 made an exit that she had learned young, and on which no director had ever tried to improve.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 1, Ch. 25 And Lucky Dick cant be one of those clever men; he must be less intact, even faintly destroyed. If life wont do it for him its not a substitute to get a disease, or a broken heart, or an inferiority complex, though itd be nice to build out some broken side till it was better than the original structure.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 1 They said that you are a doctor, but so long as you are a cat it is different. My head aches so, so excuse this walking there like an ordinary with a white cat will explain, I think.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 2 I am slowly coming back to life... I wish someone were in love with me like boys were ages ago before I was sick. I suppose it will be years, though, before I could think of anything like that.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 2 We were just like loversand then all at once we were loversand ten minutes after it happened I could have shot myselfexcept I guess Im such a Goddamned degenerate I didnt have the nerve to do it. Book 2, Ch. 3 God, am I like the rest after all?- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 4 The weakness of the profession is its attraction for the man a little crippled and broken.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 6 Nicoles world had fallen to pieces, but it was only a flimsy and scarcely created world.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 7 the delight on Nicoles faceto be a feather again instead of a plummet, to float and not to drag.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 8 And if I dont know youre the most attractive man I ever met you must think I am still crazy.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2 Its my hard luck, all rightbut dont pretend that I dont knowI know everything about you and me.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 9 As an indifference cherished, or left to atrophy, becomes an emptiness, to this extent he had learned to become empty of Nicole, serving her against his will with negations and emotional neglect.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 11 Here are more quotes from Tender is the Night, by F. Scott Fitzgerald. We own you, and youll admit it sooner or later. It is absurd to keep up the pretense of independence.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 13 Good manners are an admission that everybody is so tender that they have to be handled with gloves. Now, human respectyou dont call a man a coward or a liar lightly, but if you spend your life sparing peoples feelings and feeding their vanity, you get so you cant distinguish what should be respected in them.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 13 England was like a rich man after a disastrous orgy who makes up to the household by chatting with them individually, when it is obvious to them that he is only trying to get back his self-respect in order to usurp his former power.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 16 Good-by, my fathergood-by, all my fathers.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 2, Ch. 19 she only cherishes her illness as an instrument of power.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 1 There was some element of loneliness involvedso easy to be lovedso hard to love.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 2 to explain, to patchthese were not natural functions at their agebetter to continue with the cracked echo of an old truth in the ears.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 2 Not without desperation he had long felt the ethics of his profession dissolving into a lifeless mass.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 3 If Europe ever goes Bolshevik shell turn up as the bride of Stalin.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 4 We cant go on like thisor can we?....What do you think?... Some of the time I think its my faultIve ruined you.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 5 She was somewhat shocked at the idea of being interested in another manbut other women have loverswhy not me?- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 6 If she need not, in her spirit, be forever one with Dick as he had appeared last night, she must be something in addition, not just an image on his mind, condemned to endless parades around the circumference of a medal.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 6 So delicately balanced was she between an old foothold that had always guaranteed her security, and the imminence of a leap from which she might alight changed in the very chemistry of blood and muscle, that she did not dare bring the matter into the true forefront of consciousness.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 7 Hes not received anywhere anymore.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 7 Either you thinkor else others have to think for you and take power from you, pervert and discipline your natural tastes, civilize and sterilize you.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 7 No, Im not reallyIm just aIm just a whole lot of different simple people.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 8 Everything Tommy said became part of her forever.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 8 Tangled with love in the moonlight she welcomed the anarchy of her lover.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 8 Then why did you come, Nicole? I cant do anything for you anymore. Im trying to save myself.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 9 I have never seen women like this sort of women. I have known many of the great courtesans of the world, and for them I have much respect often, but women like these women I have never seen before.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 10 You dont understand Nicole. You treat her always as a patient because she was once sick.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 11 When people are taken out of their depths they lose their heads, no matter how charming a bluff they put up.- F. Scott Fitzgerald, Tender is the Night, Book 3, Ch. 12

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Facebook - Good Idea or Terrible Idea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Facebook - Good Idea or Terrible Idea - Essay Example What they also do is bully. Cyber-bullying is a serious issue in our world today. It is one that is becoming increasingly difficult to handle. It occurs in hundreds of different formats in the Internet world via – Skype, email, photograph, video, YouTube, MSN, Facebook, chat rooms, MySpace, etc. With all of these different transportation modes for online bullying it is extremely hard to monitor. Facebook is one of the easiest forums for cyberbullies to use and to exploit. It is very simple for example for them to comment on photos and to say nasty things. This can be hurtful and even devastating for some students. There have been several suicides that have been directly linked to cyber bullying via social networking sites such as Facebook. In these social networking sites individuals have the ability to victimize their subjects in dozens of ways. They can set up group bullying sites that target an individual, post rude comments on their walls, and tag them in incriminating photographs. The act can spread from one person to hundreds of people in a matter of seconds. There is often a divide between in-person bullying and cyber bullying. Many subjects that partake in cyber-bullying would never do it in person. They are aware of the etiquette that goes along with interacting in the real world yet fail to recognize the same etiquette in the cyber world. In the Internet world individuals face a disconnect. They do not see their victim nor do they have the opportunity to see their emotions. Individuals often forget that they are dealing with a real live human being and not just text on a computer screen. Facebook has facilitated all of this. It is a bad thing. I think teaching netiquette mildly helps but I do not think education will help to stop the issue at hand. For generations we have been educated and educated those that were unaware of the negative effects of in-person bullying. This has not made it stop. It continues to affect millions of people every year.

Friday, November 1, 2019

How do African American Women with Hypertension verbalize their Article

How do African American Women with Hypertension verbalize their understanding to their condition - Article Example In evidence based medicine (EBM) recommends that clinical questions should be formulated in terms of problem or population, intervention, comparison and outcome (PICO). PICO questions are important in conducting search regarding a hypothesis that is relevant to the researcher’s practice (Huang, Lin, Demner-Fushman, 2006). It describes a process that is useful in making a suitable research question. In designing a research question, one must hypothesize how the topic affects the search for relevant information. A researcher should be able to think of a wider context of the topic and do explore preliminarily to find out relevant scientific aspects. The topic can then be narrowed to a specific group or condition which is a population such as a study based study on African Americans. Narrowing the search is strategically done by understanding the causal efficacy of a clinical intervention. In research question development, the researcher should ask a good question and choose the r ight study design (Bragge, 2010). First, the problem was identified among African American women with hy. These were the chief attributes used in the search. The other aspect is how they verbalize their understanding to the condition. This is also important since the researcher aims to find the relationship between chronically elevated blood pressure and their verbal expression of their understanding to their condition. It is important since it can help medical practitioners help the patients manage their condition. This study was aimed to develop a research question using PICO so as to perform a database search for relevant literature. In developing a good question, the second step is intervention where one needs to identify what they plan to do for the patient. In order to manage the condition among hypertensive African Americans, the best intervention is to determine how they understand their condition